I am still playing catch up from the weekend and yesterday. Munchkin first had something bad to eat that really upset his tummy on Sunday, and he spent the night curled up next to me and very restless. It made for a difficult Monday, since the tummy troubles stuck around til the evening. Now...just dealing with more teething (and the same kind of diapers that follow *sigh*)!
That being said, Monday Night Menu turned into Monday Night Leftover Night. Instead tonight I am busting out the roaster and making us a pork roast with roasted veggies. It is another one of my go-to meals since I usually have at least one type of roast in the freezer, and I always have fresh veggies on hand. The recipe I follow is in my head, not really a "recipe" as much as it is a "what-do-I-feel-like" kind of thing. :)
Tonight, I feel like roasted pork loin with dill, carrots, and potatoes. Mmmmm. Yum. :) Here's the plan:
Roasted Pork Loin with Veggies
2 lb pork loin
Salt and pepper
Dried dill to taste
6 carrots, peeled and chopped into 1" chunks
3 medium potatoes, chopped into chunks
Preheat the oven to 400 deg. Spray down a roasting pan with olive oil spray. Take the pork loin and sprinkle with salt, pepper, and dill. Place the veggies around the roast and sprinkle with seasonings. Insert a meat thermometer into the loin in the thickest part, cover the roasting pan, and put in the oven. Cook until the internal temp of the loin is 145 degrees (originally it was 160, but the FDA lowered this requirement in 2011 as seen here). I still cook mine to 160, but that is just a personal preference.
Now, it doesn't really matter what veggies that you use, or if you want to use a different seasoning. It's all open to interpretation. This is what I have on hand tonight, and veggies that I enjoy. So pick what you want, throw in the oven, and enjoy!!
Navigating the waters of a new-ish marriage, life as a SAHM with a toddler, and the change to a gluten-free lifestyle!
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Weekend Recap
It has been a busy few days! Fun, exhausting, and not so great at times, too. The Spunky Shaylah 5K Run and 1K Inspiration Walk, a girls night out, and then little guy came down with tummy troubles. But Friday, I did get to rest (thankfully, since Saturday morning was an early morning and came quickly!).
I was really nervous about Saturday--I have never participated in a 5K, and I had the jitters about going out that night, too. Large crowds of people that I don't know tend to put me on edge. But I was ready, for both the challenge of the race and for the night out with a close friend I hadn't seen in quite some time! Normally our family rolls out of bed when Z is ready, and that is usually about 7:30-8am. However, we needed to be at the race before 8am when the 1K Inspiration Walk began to get our shirts and numbers. So we were up at 6am, not too happy about it, but glad that the weather was in the mid 60s and perfect for our little run. We checked in, got our shirts and numbers, and went to watch the kids run in the "inspiration walk."
It was great. :) I had a wonderful time, the route was very pretty--TONS of bluebonnets!!--and didn't have to be on a lot of streets.
Since we are both fairly new to this 5K thing (not to mention, starting to exercise regularly), we weren't "competing" with other people. We just wanted to join in the cause, get some good exercise, and have a nice time. There were other people walking with strollers, lots of kids participating, so we didn't come in last. :) That, to me, was a win! Bonus--my legs, shins, and feet felt fine...no cramps or pain!!
I was so proud of myself for finishing, I treated myself to a pair of boots I saw on clearance at Kohls (not to mention, I got an additional 30% off with my coupon) for my Girls Night Out. It was also a ton of fun--I even stayed til closing! I had a blast hanging with my dear friend, and also getting to do some country dancing with some of my old dance partners from my Dallas days. :) I had been worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy any adult beverages, as I used to only drink ones that did have malt in in. But I did find that cranberry juice and vodka--not Grey Goose, as that does have gluten in it--was a tasty alternative. Yay!! I admit--I needed the night out. I was nervous, but turns out I can do fine on my own. Next time, I will be less scared. :) I say that now, at least! A huge thanks to my wonderful friend Maria for convincing me it was time!
Sunday was a day of resting. It was another beautiful day, and we didn't want to stay cooped up inside, so we packed up after Z's afternoon nap and went to the park. There were a lot of families and children there, and Z really didn't know what to do. It is really a playground for older kiddos, but we thought that we would try the swings--and little guy REALLY didn't like that. So we finally settled on letting him play in the grassy field by the park. He loves to pick the grass and throw it--and then go chase Daddy around. I love those sweet baby laughs...they really warm my heart and make me smile!
I was really nervous about Saturday--I have never participated in a 5K, and I had the jitters about going out that night, too. Large crowds of people that I don't know tend to put me on edge. But I was ready, for both the challenge of the race and for the night out with a close friend I hadn't seen in quite some time! Normally our family rolls out of bed when Z is ready, and that is usually about 7:30-8am. However, we needed to be at the race before 8am when the 1K Inspiration Walk began to get our shirts and numbers. So we were up at 6am, not too happy about it, but glad that the weather was in the mid 60s and perfect for our little run. We checked in, got our shirts and numbers, and went to watch the kids run in the "inspiration walk."
It was great. :) I had a wonderful time, the route was very pretty--TONS of bluebonnets!!--and didn't have to be on a lot of streets.
Since we are both fairly new to this 5K thing (not to mention, starting to exercise regularly), we weren't "competing" with other people. We just wanted to join in the cause, get some good exercise, and have a nice time. There were other people walking with strollers, lots of kids participating, so we didn't come in last. :) That, to me, was a win! Bonus--my legs, shins, and feet felt fine...no cramps or pain!!
Mile 3!
I was so proud of myself for finishing, I treated myself to a pair of boots I saw on clearance at Kohls (not to mention, I got an additional 30% off with my coupon) for my Girls Night Out. It was also a ton of fun--I even stayed til closing! I had a blast hanging with my dear friend, and also getting to do some country dancing with some of my old dance partners from my Dallas days. :) I had been worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy any adult beverages, as I used to only drink ones that did have malt in in. But I did find that cranberry juice and vodka--not Grey Goose, as that does have gluten in it--was a tasty alternative. Yay!! I admit--I needed the night out. I was nervous, but turns out I can do fine on my own. Next time, I will be less scared. :) I say that now, at least! A huge thanks to my wonderful friend Maria for convincing me it was time!
Sunday was a day of resting. It was another beautiful day, and we didn't want to stay cooped up inside, so we packed up after Z's afternoon nap and went to the park. There were a lot of families and children there, and Z really didn't know what to do. It is really a playground for older kiddos, but we thought that we would try the swings--and little guy REALLY didn't like that. So we finally settled on letting him play in the grassy field by the park. He loves to pick the grass and throw it--and then go chase Daddy around. I love those sweet baby laughs...they really warm my heart and make me smile!
Friday, March 23, 2012
Friday Fill-ins
Today is going to be a great day for me and my little guy--we are travelling to go and see my wonderful cousin Sarah (from The Science of Savings blog) and go shopping! I'm going to hopefully pick up some good tips on how to do some couponing so I can save some money at our house. I can't wait! Plus, our boy are only two weeks apart, and they always have fun when we get together!
I decided to go back into the blog's archives to post one from this time of year but from 2008. So here was March 21, 2008's Friday Fill-Ins!
1. _____ is so exciting!
2. Strawberry fields _____.
3. _____ sounds like it would taste delicious!
4. Why does _____ make me feel so good?!
5. _____ is something I've always wanted to see.
6. It's sad when _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
And here are my answers:
1. Watching my little boy grow up is so exciting!
2. Strawberry fields are close by; we need to plan a trip soon.
3. A GF strawberry cupcake with cream cheese icing sounds like it would taste delicious!
4. Why does what I am not supposed to eat make me feel so good?! (but only for a short time!)
5. The baby sea turtles crawling out to sea is something I have always wanted to see. (Oh, and Disney Land!)
6. It's sad when I cut onions. ;)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing and getting a good night's sleep, tomorrow my plans include us walking in a 5k Inspiration Walk and having a girl's night out (yay!), and Sunday, I want to just spend some quality time with my family--and maybe get out to the park in this beautiful spring weather!
What about you? Tell me your answers in the comments!
I decided to go back into the blog's archives to post one from this time of year but from 2008. So here was March 21, 2008's Friday Fill-Ins!
1. _____ is so exciting!
2. Strawberry fields _____.
3. _____ sounds like it would taste delicious!
4. Why does _____ make me feel so good?!
5. _____ is something I've always wanted to see.
6. It's sad when _____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
And here are my answers:
1. Watching my little boy grow up is so exciting!
2. Strawberry fields are close by; we need to plan a trip soon.
3. A GF strawberry cupcake with cream cheese icing sounds like it would taste delicious!
4. Why does what I am not supposed to eat make me feel so good?! (but only for a short time!)
5. The baby sea turtles crawling out to sea is something I have always wanted to see. (Oh, and Disney Land!)
6. It's sad when I cut onions. ;)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to relaxing and getting a good night's sleep, tomorrow my plans include us walking in a 5k Inspiration Walk and having a girl's night out (yay!), and Sunday, I want to just spend some quality time with my family--and maybe get out to the park in this beautiful spring weather!
What about you? Tell me your answers in the comments!
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Tales of a First Time Bread Machine User
Before going gluten-free, I must admit I was not much of a bread fan. But as soon as I knew I couldn't have it anymore, I craved it constantly. For the first month, I didn't touch bread, attempt to make it, or make any cakes/cookies/cupcakes. Oh, I wanted them--looked at recipes, dreamed, and even went into a cupcake bakery to see if they carried gluten-free cupcakes (nope, they didn't...but I got Z a mini cupcake since we were there, and he REALLY liked it!).
I decided to attempt a loaf of bread in my oven from a mix to see how it would turn out (and see if I was going to be able to enjoy gluten-free bread in the first place). I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't eat it fast enough, tho, so it went bad before I could finish it. Mostly because the GF breads are more moist, I found that they will mold faster when kept in a sealed bag and not eaten quickly. Other differences that I found is that the bread is more dense and taste a bit eggy, but not unplesantly. It has taken a bit of an adjustment, rewiring of my tastebud's expectations, but I really do like the GF bread. And now, so does hubby!
Yesterday I decided that I needed to attempt my first loaf of bread in my bread machine--something that I purchased as soon as I went GF. I had no idea what I needed in a bread machine, so I scoured Amazon.com and read all the reviews on all the different machines, finally settling on this one. Why? Because someone said that they had made GF bread in it and it had turned out great. That's all it took, and the low price helped, too!*
So finally I started the process of making my own loaf of bread. There are a TON of different recipes for GF bread flour mixes, but the one that I found that worked for me is this one (and I linked to where you can find it on amazon):
Bread Flour mix:
1 c. millet flour
1/2 c. sorghum flour
1/2 c. cornstarch
1/2 c.potato starch (NOT flour)
1/2 c. tapioca flour (also known as tapioca starch)
This makes three cups of mix, which translates to an average 1.5 lb loaf of bread (at least in my machine it did).
To make a loaf of white bread, I followed this recipe:
White Bread Loaf for bread machine:
1 1/4 c. 2% milk (room temperature)
1/4 c. grapeseed oil (or canola, depends on your taste)
2 large eggs (room temperature)
3 c. bread flour mixture
2 1/4 tsp. xanthan gum
3 Tbsp. sugar
3/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. active dry yeast
Wisk together the milk, oil, and eggs until it is frothy. Pour into the bread pan. Wisk together the bread flour mix, xanthan gum, sugar, and salt until well blended. Pour on top of the wet ingredients, but do not mix--pat the flour mix to the edges so the wet ingredients are covered. Maxe a small well in the middle of the dry ingredients (but NOT all the way to the wet ingredients) and carefully pour the yeast into the well. The yeast may NOT come in contact with the wet ingredients. Then close the lid of your machine, set the timer for 1.5 loaf and whatever crust color you prefer (I had medium), and let it go! Here's how mine turned out!
*These are my opinions, and I am not paid to tell you these things. Just sharing my experiences with these different products!
I decided to attempt a loaf of bread in my oven from a mix to see how it would turn out (and see if I was going to be able to enjoy gluten-free bread in the first place). I was pleasantly surprised! I didn't eat it fast enough, tho, so it went bad before I could finish it. Mostly because the GF breads are more moist, I found that they will mold faster when kept in a sealed bag and not eaten quickly. Other differences that I found is that the bread is more dense and taste a bit eggy, but not unplesantly. It has taken a bit of an adjustment, rewiring of my tastebud's expectations, but I really do like the GF bread. And now, so does hubby!
Yesterday I decided that I needed to attempt my first loaf of bread in my bread machine--something that I purchased as soon as I went GF. I had no idea what I needed in a bread machine, so I scoured Amazon.com and read all the reviews on all the different machines, finally settling on this one. Why? Because someone said that they had made GF bread in it and it had turned out great. That's all it took, and the low price helped, too!*
So finally I started the process of making my own loaf of bread. There are a TON of different recipes for GF bread flour mixes, but the one that I found that worked for me is this one (and I linked to where you can find it on amazon):
Bread Flour mix:
1 c. millet flour
1/2 c. sorghum flour
1/2 c. cornstarch
1/2 c.potato starch (NOT flour)
1/2 c. tapioca flour (also known as tapioca starch)
This makes three cups of mix, which translates to an average 1.5 lb loaf of bread (at least in my machine it did).
To make a loaf of white bread, I followed this recipe:
White Bread Loaf for bread machine:
1 1/4 c. 2% milk (room temperature)
1/4 c. grapeseed oil (or canola, depends on your taste)
2 large eggs (room temperature)
3 c. bread flour mixture
2 1/4 tsp. xanthan gum
3 Tbsp. sugar
3/4 tsp. salt
2 tsp. active dry yeast
Wisk together the milk, oil, and eggs until it is frothy. Pour into the bread pan. Wisk together the bread flour mix, xanthan gum, sugar, and salt until well blended. Pour on top of the wet ingredients, but do not mix--pat the flour mix to the edges so the wet ingredients are covered. Maxe a small well in the middle of the dry ingredients (but NOT all the way to the wet ingredients) and carefully pour the yeast into the well. The yeast may NOT come in contact with the wet ingredients. Then close the lid of your machine, set the timer for 1.5 loaf and whatever crust color you prefer (I had medium), and let it go! Here's how mine turned out!
SO GOOD!! Hope yours turns out as wonderfully as mine did! Enjoy!
*These are my opinions, and I am not paid to tell you these things. Just sharing my experiences with these different products!
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Wordless Wednesday--The Rain From Monday Night (as seen from my front yard)
(The bluebonnets aren't in my yard...they are in a neighbors. Just really pretty!! Love bluebonnets!)
Monday, March 19, 2012
My Favorite Gluten-Free Dish This Week: Polenta Pizza Casserole
When I first started on this gluten-free lifestyle, I was terrified that I was doomed to having boring or terrible tasting food. But after doing more research, I realized that I was quite wrong. Yes, there are foods that I can't eat anymore, but a lot of the things that can be substituted are just as good (if not better!). The only down side for me is that there are a lot of dishes that use rice...and I do NOT like rice. However, I am learning to ease that back into my diet and hopefully I won't mind too much soon. :)
Today's dish is one of my main go-to dishes. It's quick and easy, and I usually have all the ingredients on hand (or at least something to use in place of one thing or another). Here it is...my recipe for Polenta Pizza Casserole!
Polenta Pizza Casserole
1-18oz roll of precooked polenta
2-3 Tbsp. water
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
1 can mushrooms, drained*
1 can black olives, sliced and drained*
2c. shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Crumble up polenta in a medium size microwave safe bowl. Microwave the polenta for 20-30 seconds until it is warm and mashes more easily. Add the 2-3 Tbsp of water, however much it takes to make a fairly smooth consistency (but still thick!). Add the tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives, and 1c. of the cheese. Mix well. Put polenta mixture into an 8x8 baking dish, and top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes, or until heated through and cheese is melted and bubbly. Enjoy!!
*Note: You can use whatever veggies or meat that you prefer. We just seem to always have these ingredients on hand, as we do love our mushrooms and olives in our house! I do want to try it with fresh spinach sometime...if you do, let me know how it is!
Today's dish is one of my main go-to dishes. It's quick and easy, and I usually have all the ingredients on hand (or at least something to use in place of one thing or another). Here it is...my recipe for Polenta Pizza Casserole!
Polenta Pizza Casserole
1-18oz roll of precooked polenta
2-3 Tbsp. water
1 can diced tomatoes, drained
1 can mushrooms, drained*
1 can black olives, sliced and drained*
2c. shredded mozzarella cheese
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Crumble up polenta in a medium size microwave safe bowl. Microwave the polenta for 20-30 seconds until it is warm and mashes more easily. Add the 2-3 Tbsp of water, however much it takes to make a fairly smooth consistency (but still thick!). Add the tomatoes, mushrooms, black olives, and 1c. of the cheese. Mix well. Put polenta mixture into an 8x8 baking dish, and top with remaining cheese. Bake at 350 degrees for 20-30 minutes, or until heated through and cheese is melted and bubbly. Enjoy!!
*Note: You can use whatever veggies or meat that you prefer. We just seem to always have these ingredients on hand, as we do love our mushrooms and olives in our house! I do want to try it with fresh spinach sometime...if you do, let me know how it is!
St. Patricks Super Secret Date Night
I love surprises...but hate keeping the secret! I have been wanting to do somthing special for my hubby for awhile, but wanted it to be a surprise. I am horrible at making things a surprise (that's why all holidays and birthdays tend to be early in our house!), and always end up being too excited to keep it secret that I spoil it every time. Or my hubby guesses it. He's really good about that, too!
A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to have a date night. We don't get to do much outside of the house without little Z with us, and it takes a bit of planning to make sure he is cared for if we do decide to have a night out. I remembered us talking about how it would be fun to go and see a murder mystery on a train at one point, and so I started looking to see if the train in our area happens to do such a show. Surprise! They do! And there were three possible times--on on St. Patricks Day (at the time, two weeks away), one in late June, and one in late July. I was so excited that one was happening right around the corner...but the tickets weren't on sale yet. That was fine; I still needed to arrange for childcare, and a few other details.
The next week, they still weren't on sale. I wanted to order them (my parents were babysitting, and they wanted to know for sure we were going out since they had back up plans), and also check to see if I could bring my own food. The tickets included dinner and drinks--a choice of sandwich, a cookie, and wine/beer/soda/water. I couldn't have the food offered, and on other train rides they allow you to bring your own food. I just hoped that it would apply this time! I found the email address of the person in charge of reservations, and they promptly replied saying that it would be fine for me to do so since it was a special circumstance (I just couldn't bring my own alcohol, which was fine).
Tickets booked, childcare secured. Now was the hard part--keeping the secret! And I am happy to report, I did keep the secret--up until we got into the car and I had to tell him where to drive to. :)
The date was wonderful. We got to the train, found our seats, and were off 10 minutes later. I opted for the car with air conditioning--down here in Texas, it was a warm 82 degrees and I wasn't going to spend three hours in a hot train car!
A few weeks ago, I decided I wanted to have a date night. We don't get to do much outside of the house without little Z with us, and it takes a bit of planning to make sure he is cared for if we do decide to have a night out. I remembered us talking about how it would be fun to go and see a murder mystery on a train at one point, and so I started looking to see if the train in our area happens to do such a show. Surprise! They do! And there were three possible times--on on St. Patricks Day (at the time, two weeks away), one in late June, and one in late July. I was so excited that one was happening right around the corner...but the tickets weren't on sale yet. That was fine; I still needed to arrange for childcare, and a few other details.
The next week, they still weren't on sale. I wanted to order them (my parents were babysitting, and they wanted to know for sure we were going out since they had back up plans), and also check to see if I could bring my own food. The tickets included dinner and drinks--a choice of sandwich, a cookie, and wine/beer/soda/water. I couldn't have the food offered, and on other train rides they allow you to bring your own food. I just hoped that it would apply this time! I found the email address of the person in charge of reservations, and they promptly replied saying that it would be fine for me to do so since it was a special circumstance (I just couldn't bring my own alcohol, which was fine).
Tickets booked, childcare secured. Now was the hard part--keeping the secret! And I am happy to report, I did keep the secret--up until we got into the car and I had to tell him where to drive to. :)
The date was wonderful. We got to the train, found our seats, and were off 10 minutes later. I opted for the car with air conditioning--down here in Texas, it was a warm 82 degrees and I wasn't going to spend three hours in a hot train car!
I thought it was so cute and old fashioned that the attendant came by and punched our tickets, too!
Now, getting pictures of all the players as they were acting was very difficult. They moved quickly and the only place to stand to get pictures was in the bar--and that wasn't allowed. :( But they were all great--except the one gal that kept rubbing up on my husband. She did it to another married man, and the wife almost came unglued. That actress stopped rubbing up on men after that!
I was able to eat my gluten-free dinner (chicken and egg salad, and a Larabar for dessert), have some wine (not good at all--but tolerable with a Sprite chaser), and spend some quality time with my DH. The murder mystery was fun, but I wish I had paid more attention--we were supposed to fill out "crime reports" so that when the mystery was over, the person with the most accurate guess would get a prize! Turns out the lady behind me had really paid close attention and hit the nail on the head. She even figured out that the names of the two killers were anagrams for the last name of their father who committed suicide because of the man that they killed! We decided that next time we will not only take notes, but see if others want to come along with us and make it a group date. :)
All in all, it was a success as a surprise and a date. I can't wait to plan the next one! Or maybe DH should... :)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Happy Friday Fill-ins!
So, I'm posting the fill-ins from the blog Friday Fill-Ins ...
1. Welcome _____.
2. _____ and _____ makes me jump for joy.
3. There's a _____!
4. _____ is the thing I love most about _____.
5. Eyes _____.
6. _____ is what I'm eagerly awaiting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
My answers:
1. Welcome to my blog!
2. My son and hubby make me jump for joy.
3. There's a shiny object!
4. Sleeping is the thing I love most about nighttime.
5. Eyes have it!
6. Date night is what I am eagerly awaiting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a night in, tomorrow my plans include the surprise date with my hubby, and Sunday I want to do some baking!
So, what are YOUR answers? Share with me! Happy Friday!
1. Welcome _____.
2. _____ and _____ makes me jump for joy.
3. There's a _____!
4. _____ is the thing I love most about _____.
5. Eyes _____.
6. _____ is what I'm eagerly awaiting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to _____, tomorrow my plans include _____ and Sunday, I want to _____!
My answers:
1. Welcome to my blog!
2. My son and hubby make me jump for joy.
3. There's a shiny object!
4. Sleeping is the thing I love most about nighttime.
5. Eyes have it!
6. Date night is what I am eagerly awaiting.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a night in, tomorrow my plans include the surprise date with my hubby, and Sunday I want to do some baking!
So, what are YOUR answers? Share with me! Happy Friday!
date night,
fill ins,
gluten free,
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Smoothies, my new "soda"
Since our family is trying to have a healthier lifestyle, we have made the decision to cut soda out oaf our diet. It is something that I have done before; when I was pregnant, I pretty much drank nothing but water, and that was all I wanted. But as soon as I could have it again, I hopped right back on the soda bandwagon. Honestly, I drank more after I started it again, and almost completely stopped drinking water. Now, that is changing.
I'm happy to say that I am down to one soda per day. :)
What has eased my sweet tooth craving for soda has been smoothies, and it has been a wonderful change!! We had picked up a bag of of Yoplait Smoothies at Costco a few weeks ago, and I had forgotten about them til I cleaned out the freezer the other day. On a whim, I decided to make a batch--figured it would be a nice treat in the 80 degree weather we are having, and I knew Z would enjoy it as well (plus it would help him with his teething--bonus!!). Out came the new blender, and I threw in some extra strawberries for good measure. So good!! Z was happy and feeling better with the cold drink, and my sweet tooth was very satisfied. It was super easy, too...just dump the packet of fruit in the blender, add milk, and give it a whirl! And now, I bought some fresh fruit to freeze myself to save some money making it on my own. :)
So, if you are looking to make one on your own without using a premade packet, then this is how to do it:
My Smoothie Recipe
1 banana, in pieces (frozen)
1 c. chopped strawberries (frozen)
1 c. blueberries (frozen)
1c.-1.5c. Milk (depending on preference--add more milk if you like it less thick)
Add fruit into a blender, pour in milk. Pulse blades until mostly smooth, and then blend for 45 seconds longer until completely smooth. Pour into glasses and enjoy!
What has eased my sweet tooth craving for soda has been smoothies, and it has been a wonderful change!! We had picked up a bag of of Yoplait Smoothies at Costco a few weeks ago, and I had forgotten about them til I cleaned out the freezer the other day. On a whim, I decided to make a batch--figured it would be a nice treat in the 80 degree weather we are having, and I knew Z would enjoy it as well (plus it would help him with his teething--bonus!!). Out came the new blender, and I threw in some extra strawberries for good measure. So good!! Z was happy and feeling better with the cold drink, and my sweet tooth was very satisfied. It was super easy, too...just dump the packet of fruit in the blender, add milk, and give it a whirl! And now, I bought some fresh fruit to freeze myself to save some money making it on my own. :)
So, if you are looking to make one on your own without using a premade packet, then this is how to do it:
My Smoothie Recipe
1 banana, in pieces (frozen)
1 c. chopped strawberries (frozen)
1 c. blueberries (frozen)
1c.-1.5c. Milk (depending on preference--add more milk if you like it less thick)
Add fruit into a blender, pour in milk. Pulse blades until mostly smooth, and then blend for 45 seconds longer until completely smooth. Pour into glasses and enjoy!
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Tuesday Tip for Toddlers
Z has discovered paper. He absolutely loves it...the way it crinkles, how the pages turn in a book, that it pops when pulled tight. But his favorite thing about paper is that it tears. Oh, how he loves to tear paper!!
Just a few days ago, Z also figured out a new skill. He figured out how to take everything out of a container, and then to out it all back in. It started with his blocks, and then moved on to my laundry :)

So I thought about a way to combine his new love of paper with his new skill of sorting. I remembered that when I was younger we would make "mailboxes" out of shoeboxes for Valentine's Day mail in elementary school. I figured that it would work fine now, just for a play mailbox. I found an old shoebox in my closet and got to work.
First I got the box and marked the area to cut the slot.

Then I cut out the slot with scissors...I couldn't find my box cutter. I do suggest you use that instead! My scissors were a bit dull, and made the process a little more difficult.

Then just put the top back on the box, and decorate it if you wish!

Z was impatient to play with his new toy, so I didn't get to really "decorate" it much more than what you see. Oh, well! He already is having fun with his mailbox!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Just a few days ago, Z also figured out a new skill. He figured out how to take everything out of a container, and then to out it all back in. It started with his blocks, and then moved on to my laundry :)

So I thought about a way to combine his new love of paper with his new skill of sorting. I remembered that when I was younger we would make "mailboxes" out of shoeboxes for Valentine's Day mail in elementary school. I figured that it would work fine now, just for a play mailbox. I found an old shoebox in my closet and got to work.
First I got the box and marked the area to cut the slot.

Then I cut out the slot with scissors...I couldn't find my box cutter. I do suggest you use that instead! My scissors were a bit dull, and made the process a little more difficult.

Then just put the top back on the box, and decorate it if you wish!

Z was impatient to play with his new toy, so I didn't get to really "decorate" it much more than what you see. Oh, well! He already is having fun with his mailbox!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday Madness!!
I don't know about the rest of the world, but Daylight Savings Time has really screwed up all things sleep in this house. The teething troubles continue, and are just compounding the loss of an hour. Little guy doesn't realize that time has changed, and wants to stay on his normal nap schedule, which is now not possible. So for the last two days he has not had his afternoon nap because he feels the time that I want him to go down is too early, and the time that he wants to go down is too late. *sigh* At night he doesn't want to be by himself anymore, and can't seem to find a comfy spot--meaning hubby is up with him most of the night. This is all adding up to a very tired bunch of people--and me not wanting to do any training for the 5k hubby and I are doing in two weeks.
Otherwise, I am trying to keep up with what I have on my plate. I am trying to plan a super secret date for hubby and I, and a new format for this blog. Each day will have a certain topic, and will follow that every week. At least, that is the plan. I tend to not stick to plans all the time, so just fair warning!
But for now, I need to get back to an unhappy toddler that is trying to take over my computer...
Otherwise, I am trying to keep up with what I have on my plate. I am trying to plan a super secret date for hubby and I, and a new format for this blog. Each day will have a certain topic, and will follow that every week. At least, that is the plan. I tend to not stick to plans all the time, so just fair warning!
But for now, I need to get back to an unhappy toddler that is trying to take over my computer...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Free paint!!
If you are looking to do some updating in your home, then this is the deal for you! Head over to your local Ace Hardware stores today with this coupon and pick up a free quart of paint! Wanting to finally create that accent wall? Maybe spruce up the dining room? Then get to Ace Hardware, choose your "soul paint," and get your free quart! Happy painting!
Friday, March 9, 2012
Teething terrors
My poor little guy is going thru a rough patch. Teething time is torture time in this house...at least, this time it is. He's sprouting two teeth right now, and it looks like a molar is trying to make its appearance as well. Of course, none of the treatments that we have used before are working this time, and he is miserable. Refusing naps, bad diapers, constant screaming, biting, lower appetite...I wish that there is more that I could do for him. *sigh* For now, all I can do is give him his teething rings, teething tablets, and Tylenol.
I am looking forward to this phase being over! That and him being able to tell me what is wrong.
Then again, I do love having him as he is now...I wish he wouldn't grow up so fast!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
I am looking forward to this phase being over! That and him being able to tell me what is wrong.
Then again, I do love having him as he is now...I wish he wouldn't grow up so fast!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Another free thing for today...
This might be good for just today, but I just found out a bit ago from a friend. You can go today to a Redbox video rental stand and get a free movie by using the promo code "THANKS2U". We just went to rent a video (standing out in the cold rain) and can't wait to watch! We finally settled on "Contagion" even though we don't really know much about it. Hopefully it's good...either way, it was free!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Who doesn't love FREE ebooks??
One of my favorite things is my Kindle. I LOVE to read...always have. I really didn't know if I was going to like having a Kindle--I am quite partial to having a book in my hand, turning pages, and having the ability to flip back and forth as I please. It does annoy me that I can't just easily flip back a few pages or so to find something I missed or refresh my memory, but the ease of having a Kindle--or use of the Kindle app on my iPhone, iPad, and computer--really is something that I enjoy. Plus all of my bookshelves are packed to bursting, so not having to find a spot for those books that I can't resist is quite helpful :)
Now, if you are like me--either using the Kindle, or the Kindle app for the iPhone, iPad, or computer--then you are going to LOVE this website. It is called Ereader News Today, and everyday they post FREE ebooks!! My ebook library has grown leaps and bounds because of this site, and I tell everyone I know about it. I mean, who doesn't like things for free--especially books?? And no, it's not old books that you were forced to read back in school. They are all different types of books--fiction, nonfiction, thrillers, religion, historical, romance, cookbooks, self help, business, children's books, young adult...there is something for everyone!
Also be sure to "like" them on Facebook to find out as soon as the next free books are posted!
Happy reading!
Now, if you are like me--either using the Kindle, or the Kindle app for the iPhone, iPad, or computer--then you are going to LOVE this website. It is called Ereader News Today, and everyday they post FREE ebooks!! My ebook library has grown leaps and bounds because of this site, and I tell everyone I know about it. I mean, who doesn't like things for free--especially books?? And no, it's not old books that you were forced to read back in school. They are all different types of books--fiction, nonfiction, thrillers, religion, historical, romance, cookbooks, self help, business, children's books, young adult...there is something for everyone!
Also be sure to "like" them on Facebook to find out as soon as the next free books are posted!
Happy reading!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
New Toy...
So today I got a new toy...an Apple iPad 2! I am trying it out right now to see how easy it will be to post to from it versus my laptop. I'm impressed at this point--a bit harder to adjust to typing, but nothing I can't get used to! :) Hubby has an iPad first generation, and has enjoyed his (only had it a very short time before I determined that I needed one as well...), and I'm excited to see what apps he designs! Yay for technology!
Lunchtime Goodness
One place that I have found to have some wonderful gluten-free menu options is Mama Fu's Asian House. Absolutely wonderful, and I don't feel like I am missing anything!! Today my sweet hubby went to meet some friends for lunch, and brought mine back for me...Lo Mein with Chicken and Gluten-Free Sauce (with rice noodles, of course!). Ahhh...that hit the spot. :)
Mama Fu's Chicken Lo Mein with Gluten-Free Sauce and Rice Noodles
Who Knew?
I really am still new at this whole blogging thing...and now I have to put a claim code (CXVPP32G6HDQ) in a post to prove that it is mine?? How silly.
This blog is my blog...how much more do I need to say? LOL
This blog is my blog...how much more do I need to say? LOL
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Catching Up
I had every intention to keep at blogging from when I wrote my first post, but life had other plans for me! No matter, I am back. :)
Now, the past few months have been SUPER busy. Mostly with moving, followed immediately by little man's first birthday party, and then some health issues that I had to deal with. Moving is done (completely unpacked!!), the party is over, and I am on track with my new diagnosis--and feeling better than ever. So much so that hubby and I have signed up for not one, but TWO 5k events!!
Z's first birthday was wonderful, but extremely stressful. Thanks to Pinterest, I was feeling like the most uncreative mommy on the face of the planet, not to mention lazy. I mean, I am a SAHM, so I should be able to do all of that, right?? Mind you, I did not live up to the party I modeled after, but I did go for the "Winter One-derland" theme. I am still very proud of what I DID do, and I will share a few pictures of my creations.
Finished first table
Now, the past few months have been SUPER busy. Mostly with moving, followed immediately by little man's first birthday party, and then some health issues that I had to deal with. Moving is done (completely unpacked!!), the party is over, and I am on track with my new diagnosis--and feeling better than ever. So much so that hubby and I have signed up for not one, but TWO 5k events!!
Z's first birthday was wonderful, but extremely stressful. Thanks to Pinterest, I was feeling like the most uncreative mommy on the face of the planet, not to mention lazy. I mean, I am a SAHM, so I should be able to do all of that, right?? Mind you, I did not live up to the party I modeled after, but I did go for the "Winter One-derland" theme. I am still very proud of what I DID do, and I will share a few pictures of my creations.
Me with one of the two food tables.
The Picture Tree
Marshmallow Snowmen (found here)
Snowman Nutter Butters
Revamped S'mores
Z's first birthday portrait and some of the food labels
Food labels
One table of food, mostly done
Cupcakes, round two (my batch failed)
Second table of food (mostly done)
Finished first table
Birthday boy eating his cupcake!
I made 17 dishes, 5 were gluten-free (we had some guests that have Celiacs, and I really didn't want them to feel left out), and I had to buy the cupcakes. I had planned on making some awesome sounding blue velvet cupcakes in these cute snowman paper wrappers that made them look like they were melting snowmen. However, they flopped big time, and I was rushing to the store at 10pm the night before the party, buying 6 dozen mini cupcakes since that was all they had. I hadn't planned on making so much food, but there were three main issues: (1) I had people that had specific dietary needs, and had to make food that they would be able to eat, (2) I wanted to make sure that there was a balance of savory foods and sweet foods, and (3) we had invited 70+ people to this party, and not very many people RSVP'ed like they were supposed to (meaning I had NO CLUE how many were going to show!). In the end, we had 30-35 people come, plenty of food, and a very happy (and very tired, once it was over) toddler! :)
After breathing a sigh of relief that the party headache was over (technically four migraines), I launched my never-ending quest to figure out how to make my life healthier and rid myself of prescription meds--and be done with pain. I'm obviously not getting any younger, and soon we are going to want to start trying for another kiddo. I won't do that while on prescription meds, as it scares me to go thru pregnancy again and running the risk of hurting our future child. Now, because we were having guests at the party that were gluten free, I wanted to make sure when I was making the food that I was doing it correctly. I started researching what gluten free meant, why people would want to take gluten out of their diet, and how to prepare food without gluten while still having it taste good. It was rather interesting reading, and I noticed that a LOT of the symptoms of gluten intolerance/sensitivity were problems that I had. I emailed my doctor right off, and she said that it would be worth checking out. A few days later my little guy had an appointment, and I piggy backed to get a blood test done (we have the same doctor). I was very eager to get the results, but all it said was it wasn't Celiacs. But I had already decided to go gluten free (GF), and had been for a week. Already I was feeling better, so it was decided by her that I was "non-Celiacs gluten intolerant."
So now I am navigating the new waters of a lifestyle without gluten. It isn't always easy, and I will say I get frustrated at times. But I can't deny that there has been a major change in how I feel. I am no longer on fibromyalgia medications. I can walk without the pain that I had come to expect, just a feeling of normal. I don't dread getting out of bed in the morning, or wondering how I am going to keep up with my child. Instead, hubby and I are getting back in shape, have registered for two different 5k's, and I am a LOT more active than I used to be! Plus, I plan on sharing my favorite recipes, the ones I fail at making, and anything else that comes to mind. :)
Happy Tuesday!!
first birthday,
gluten free,
gluten sensitivity,
winter onederland
Cherri St, Winters, TX 79567, USA
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