Thursday, April 12, 2012

New App for Weekly Circulars

As  I said before, I am still new to the iPad.  I have been playing around with it, and I love it!  A lot of what I have been using it for is to manage the house.  Since we are a single income family and we have Z in daycare twice a week, I do what I can to pinch pennies where I can.  Yes, I use coupons.  No, not like the Extreme Couponers on TLC.  My cousin Sarah does a great job, and I am doing what I can to learn from her.  Every Sunday I usually buy three papers, comb thru the circulars and coupons, and then wait to hear from Sarah.  :)  Sometimes I can do a trip or two on my own and do a decent job, but most of the time, by midweek I have misplaced the circulars or Z has gotten them in his grasp (and proceeded to shred them). 

Then, today, I found this app.  It is called "Weekly" and it has all the circulars from your area! You can even save a shopping list by touching the item you want to add.  I used it this morning to make a trip to CVS, and it was super helpful!

Best of all??  It's FREE!!

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