Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall has Arrived!

This summer was surprisingly mild, with only a handful of days over 100 degrees and several major rainstorms to keep the drought that we had last year at bay.  And with the beginning of fall comes one of my favorite things...pumpkins.  :)

There happens to be a pumpkin patch that they set up at a church here in town at the beginning of October.  Yesterday it opened, and with it a wonderful photographic opportunity for munchkin!  This year I am so excited that he is going to be able to enjoy it more than he did last year (he was busy learning to walk last year at this time--both a happy and sad time for me!!).  He already picked out a costume (well, pointed and kept saying "rooster" as we walked by the costumes in the store), and tho we won't be going trick-or-treating, he'll get to dress up and be his silly self.  :)  Needless to say, I can't wait to see him!!

After finding out that the pumpkin patch was set up and open, I decided to take Z out there after his nap while everyone was at work or school.  Clothes that I was sure were too big for him suddenly fit, and I found a pair of overalls that I have adored since he was tiny that was perfect for the pictures I wanted to take.  All dressed and ready to go, I packed up little man and off we went to the land o' pumpkins!

As my little guy has gotten older, he has realized what a camera is.  He also knows that I want him to look at it...and has lately decided to look every where EXCEPT the camera!  So I spend a lot of time snapping pictures of him looking off to the left or right, up or down, and sometimes I will be lucky to catch a smile at me. :)  I am hoping that he outgrows this unfortunate habit, but--in my opinion--he's adorable no matter what angle I get of his super cute face!

We had a lot of cars driving by, and so he felt compelled to wave at a lot of them.  :)  My super friendly baby!

Now...I can't wait for him and his Halloween costume! 

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