Navigating the waters of a new-ish marriage, life as a SAHM with a toddler, and the change to a gluten-free lifestyle!
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
First Ultrasound...OH WOW
So my big news got bigger last week...along with my waistline! Plus hubby got to stay until this Friday, so we've been able to celebrate the news with a short family trip out of town to visit the zoo. Here's a glimpse of what is to come...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Crossing the Sea
Hubby has been offered a wonderful opportunity, and I am so excited for him--while a bit nervous for me and little guy. His company asked him if he would like to interview for a temporary position overseas in China for 4-6 weeks. After some discussion, we decided that he should apply for the position, and that Z and I would stay behind. The thought of trying to travel on a plane with a wound-up 21 month old was enough to make me shudder, but two other things also stood out as reasons against--first, not knowing the language to try to explain that I can't have gluten and what foods might contain it (or reading something to check ingredients). Second, my pregnancy. When he applied, we were still waiting to see if I was pregnant or not, but on the chance that I was (and I was pretty sure of it then), my reasoning stood. I'm terrified at the thought of being away from my doctor, not having one over there that I trust, and morning sickness in an unfamiliar place...just not happening. So we discussed and he applied, and sure enough, they accepted him--only a few days after we found out we were expecting. :)
Since his acceptance, it seems like many things are caught up in a whirlwind. Now he had to rush to get his passport expidited, and also go to the Chinese consulate for a work visa. Why? From the time that they said yes, he had about a week to prepare for this trip (he leaves this Friday in the afternoon, and will be returning December 15). I had no idea how complicated things are! He has had to travel to Houston twice already, and will be going again on Thursday. The first time was to get his passport (he had to prove he needed it quickly to not have to wait 90 days), the second time to apply for his visa (we went with him that time--spent the night so he could get to the consulate as early as possible), and returns Thursday to pick up his visa. Friday afternoon he is heading out...and between now and then, there is packing, getting organized, a trip to the regular doctor for any prescriptions...and he will be missing the first ultrasound Thursday morning while picking up his visa. :( I'm sad about that since the OB scheduled it before he left so he would get to hear the heartbeat, but the stars are just not lining up for that to happen. At least he will get to see the ultrasound pictures before he leaves!
I'm really not too worried about myself with D leaving for a month. However, Z is used to having both me and his dad around pretty much 24/7, seeing as D works from home 95% of the time. The first time D went to Houston, Z yelled up the stairs almost all day trying to get his dad to "come down." We have set up Skype accounts for both of us, D put on international calling, and we are going to set up a schedule so Z can talk to him in the evenings. Hopefully this will make things a little easier. :)
All in all, I am excited for hubby's great opportunity, and I know everything will trun out great! It'll be tough, but I am fortunate to have a lot of family close by (my parents and in-laws are in a three mile radius from my house!). And when he gets home, he starts his holiday vacation--so we will make up for lost time! :)
Since his acceptance, it seems like many things are caught up in a whirlwind. Now he had to rush to get his passport expidited, and also go to the Chinese consulate for a work visa. Why? From the time that they said yes, he had about a week to prepare for this trip (he leaves this Friday in the afternoon, and will be returning December 15). I had no idea how complicated things are! He has had to travel to Houston twice already, and will be going again on Thursday. The first time was to get his passport (he had to prove he needed it quickly to not have to wait 90 days), the second time to apply for his visa (we went with him that time--spent the night so he could get to the consulate as early as possible), and returns Thursday to pick up his visa. Friday afternoon he is heading out...and between now and then, there is packing, getting organized, a trip to the regular doctor for any prescriptions...and he will be missing the first ultrasound Thursday morning while picking up his visa. :( I'm sad about that since the OB scheduled it before he left so he would get to hear the heartbeat, but the stars are just not lining up for that to happen. At least he will get to see the ultrasound pictures before he leaves!
I'm really not too worried about myself with D leaving for a month. However, Z is used to having both me and his dad around pretty much 24/7, seeing as D works from home 95% of the time. The first time D went to Houston, Z yelled up the stairs almost all day trying to get his dad to "come down." We have set up Skype accounts for both of us, D put on international calling, and we are going to set up a schedule so Z can talk to him in the evenings. Hopefully this will make things a little easier. :)
All in all, I am excited for hubby's great opportunity, and I know everything will trun out great! It'll be tough, but I am fortunate to have a lot of family close by (my parents and in-laws are in a three mile radius from my house!). And when he gets home, he starts his holiday vacation--so we will make up for lost time! :)
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Egg-citing News From the Coop!
Back at the end of April, I decided that I wanted chicks for my Mother's Day present--a step towards making my own food (or growing it, or caring for it, etc). Since they were only "day old chicks" I knew that I was going to have a decent waiting period before I would be getting any of my own eggs. According to all the books, forums, boards, Facebook pages, and talking to others, I found out that the average wait was about 5 months before the hens would be old enough to lay. I've been egg-stra patient, counting down the days to when the girls would be ready. Time passed, and when they were supposed to start laying eggs came and went. I was beginning to worry that they would never start, that maybe I had done something wrong or fed the wrong food...surely it was my fault that nature wasn't taking it's proper course.
Yesterday I was chatting with my dad over text about my hubby getting sent to China next week (more on that later), when he mentioned the hens and asked if they were laying yet. I told him no, they hadn't started, and I was getting a little frustrated with it all. But on a whim I went out to the coop and decided to check the nesting boxes. Lo and behold....
And about an hour later, I got one more, too!! Five awesome eggs, I was so egg-cited!! Not all of my girls are old enough, only four of the eight. So soon there will be more, but for now, I am happy!!
Now I need to start searching my favorite website, Pinterest, for some egg-cellent recipes! :) Feel free to share your favorites!
Yesterday I was chatting with my dad over text about my hubby getting sent to China next week (more on that later), when he mentioned the hens and asked if they were laying yet. I told him no, they hadn't started, and I was getting a little frustrated with it all. But on a whim I went out to the coop and decided to check the nesting boxes. Lo and behold....
And about an hour later, I got one more, too!! Five awesome eggs, I was so egg-cited!! Not all of my girls are old enough, only four of the eight. So soon there will be more, but for now, I am happy!!
Now I need to start searching my favorite website, Pinterest, for some egg-cellent recipes! :) Feel free to share your favorites!
Monday, November 5, 2012
New Beginnings
(I wrote this in the wee hours of November 2, 2012....but had to wait a little bit to post it...)
It's a new day...well, it's 1am, so technically it's a new day. And I can't sleep. Two reasons, both equally weighing on me.
The first reason is of all the things that going gluten free did not get rid of, it was my RLS--restless leg syndrome. This began fairly early pregnancy with Z back in 2010, and has never gone away. It is very annoying. Normally I would take my RLS meds and be done with it, chalking it up to forgetting to take it. But I can't do that. Why? For reason number two why I am awake.
Reason number two that I am unable to sleep is that I am excited...SO VERY excited!! Yesterday (the 1st) was my mom's 60th birthday. Since we had already had the party, there was no celebration for her, but unintentionally there ended up being a quiet celebration. It was supposed to be a secret, but when there is big news to be shared and celebrated, it is SO HARD to keep it in. Especially between mothers and daughters. And I want to yell it from the rooftops, and dance with joy!!
Why?? Because.....
Coming soon....Summer 2013!! :-D
It's a new day...well, it's 1am, so technically it's a new day. And I can't sleep. Two reasons, both equally weighing on me.
The first reason is of all the things that going gluten free did not get rid of, it was my RLS--restless leg syndrome. This began fairly early pregnancy with Z back in 2010, and has never gone away. It is very annoying. Normally I would take my RLS meds and be done with it, chalking it up to forgetting to take it. But I can't do that. Why? For reason number two why I am awake.
Reason number two that I am unable to sleep is that I am excited...SO VERY excited!! Yesterday (the 1st) was my mom's 60th birthday. Since we had already had the party, there was no celebration for her, but unintentionally there ended up being a quiet celebration. It was supposed to be a secret, but when there is big news to be shared and celebrated, it is SO HARD to keep it in. Especially between mothers and daughters. And I want to yell it from the rooftops, and dance with joy!!
Why?? Because.....
Coming soon....Summer 2013!! :-D
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