Back at the end of April, I decided that I wanted chicks for my Mother's Day present--a step towards making my own food (or growing it, or caring for it, etc). Since they were only "day old chicks" I knew that I was going to have a decent waiting period before I would be getting any of my own eggs. According to all the books, forums, boards, Facebook pages, and talking to others, I found out that the average wait was about 5 months before the hens would be old enough to lay. I've been egg-stra patient, counting down the days to when the girls would be ready. Time passed, and when they were supposed to start laying eggs came and went. I was beginning to worry that they would never start, that maybe I had done something wrong or fed the wrong food...surely it was my fault that nature wasn't taking it's proper course.
Yesterday I was chatting with my dad over text about my hubby getting sent to China next week (more on that later), when he mentioned the hens and asked if they were laying yet. I told him no, they hadn't started, and I was getting a little frustrated with it all. But on a whim I went out to the coop and decided to check the nesting boxes. Lo and behold....
And about an hour later, I got one more, too!! Five awesome eggs, I was so egg-cited!! Not all of my girls are old enough, only four of the eight. So soon there will be more, but for now, I am happy!!
Now I need to start searching my favorite website, Pinterest, for some egg-cellent recipes! :) Feel free to share your favorites!
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