Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hello! My Name is...

Hello!  My name is...Jennifer.  Or Jen.  Or Jeni.  Just depends on how long you've known me...different times, different nicknames.  The newest addition to my list of names is "Mommy," and is, in my opinion, the best name yet.  :)

I am a stay at home mommy to a sweet little boy.  He's my miracle baby--I was told plenty of times that I wouldn't be able to have children.  But lo and behold, on my wedding night to my eHarmony soul mate, along came my darling son.  And life hasn't been the same (happily!!) since! Here's how it all started....

In a previous life, I was a busy career woman.  I had plans to become someone that my old job couldn't live without.  I worked for a university police department in emergency management, and on the side I taught freshman students about personal saftey and sexual assault on campus.  I loved what I did, and I did it well.  However, I was also going to school to finish my degree (that I had been working on finishing for 13 years), and I decided to intern with my job instead of work.  My soon-to-be hubby (at the time) was able to support the two of us while I was finishing up, and at the end of the semester (spring 2010) I graduated with my BAAS with specialties in Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work.  Five days later my hubby and I were married (which was five months after we had been matched on eHarmony).  :) 

Both hubby and I got to be really busy the next five weeks.  I can't remember for the life of me all that I was doing, but I know that I was tired and grumpy and not feeling my best.  A few days before we took a road trip to Colorado for some family camping, I did the mental math....and rushed to the drug store for pregnancy tests.  Six positive tests later, there was no way I was going to be sleeping until I talked to the doctor! 

I was a high risk pregnancy due to medical conditions, and spent a lot of time in bed.  For the first time in my life I was able to gain weight...and did so to the tune of 65lbs!  Now, in my defense, I was 100lbs to start with, so I had some gaining to do.  The bonus of being deemed high risk is that you get a ton of sonograms--most are 3D!  We got to see our little man well before he got here, and the debates raged on who he looked like, what features come from which side, and just how adorable he was already. :)

Fast forward to the end--we induced a week early (I had thrown out my hip), but had to have an emergency c-section because neither the baby or I were tolerating labor.  It was scary, and even worse when they had to take my son to another hospital because they didn't have a NICU at the hospital where I delivered.  I was discharged from the hospital only 30 hours after my c-section (pump being carried over my shoulder, no less) since they wouldn't transfer me to the new hospital--bloody insurance.  Grrr.  Still mad about that!!  In the end of it all, even tho the doctors thought that my baby would be in the NICU for four to six months, he was out in nine days.  My little trouper!!

Now, he's a whopping 11 months old, hit every milestone on or before the time, and is healthy as could be.  Me, I am a super proud mommy!!  Now that we have moved to a new city and life is finally settling down, I've made the decision to blog about our life, our adventures in parenting, and my journey to being a super mom and domestic goddess!!  Welcome to our (crazy) home!!