Monday, August 19, 2013

Twins and a Toddler

I thought I was prepared for all the changes that would happen with the addition of two tiny babies. 

I have never been so wrong!

One major shock was that my sweet little toddler is absolutely in love with his brother and sister.  It warms my heart every time he goes to hug them when they cry, or goes to bring them their binky (pacifier).  He will stop whatever he is doing if he hears one crying to go and try to make them happy again.  It is just the sweetest thing!  He also wants to help as much as possible...taking out dirty diapers, getting new diapers, taking bottles to the person feeding a baby, helping feed the babies, and always trying to comfort them, hug them, and tell them that he loves them.  I feel like the luckiest mommy to have such a loving little boy!!  But the one drawback is that while he loves and adores his siblings, he has become a lot more clingy to me.  I know that Zachary needs a lot of attention, and we do all that we can to give it to him.  When we have the family over, someone is always playing with him.  It's still hard on him since everyone wants (or in my case, needs) to be with the babies, too.  He is having to share the limelight, which is something that he has never had to do before.  Most of the time, he does very well with it, but other times...well, he's a bit more "sensitive" than he was before the twins were born.

I have also made the discovery that I am, in fact, NOT supermom.  I know, totally unbelievable, right?? Contrary to popular belief, sleep is something that one DOES need, and there is a point where the body will shut down and basically say, "screw you, I need rest!"  Unlike in my 20s, this is a wall that is hard to recover from hitting, and I am still trying to get past.  The first 7 weeks I was the only one up with them all night, and I had them all day as well (with my mom coming to help 2-3 times a week once they were home).  It was in week 7 that I hit my wall--and at midnight I crawled upstairs to where Dan was sleeping and begged for him to watch the twins while I got a few hours of precious sleep.  From that point, we have alternated nights--that way, someone gets to sleep for the night (well, I still don't since I have to get up and pump), and I don't completely crash and burn. My sanity, I am happy to report, is mostly intact. :) I have also taken over the bedtime routine with Zachary, which has also given me some great one-on-one time with him, and has made us both happier. Turns out, we both needed the bonding time together!

Right before the twins turned 5 weeks, a fellow mom in my mommy group offered to take their newborn pictures.  She is starting her own photography business, and this was a great opportunity to practice on twins.  We were more than happy to participate!  The photos turned out AMAZING!! Totally worth baking in a warm room while she was taking them. ;)  Here are a few of my favorites:

Just melts my heart.  So, so sweet.  *sigh*
Even tho life has totally changed, I wouldn't have it any other way. Yes, things take longer to prepare for, the amount of gear that we have to haul just to go to the store or for a visit fills up the minivan, the fact that we even HAVE a minivan...all different, but still wonderful.  It also doesn't feel like it's been 10 weeks since the twins made their abrupt feels like it has been longer and shorter at the same time.  Sound weird?  Maybe.  But to me it feels like it was just yesterday that I was on the OR table listening to the cries of my new babies, and at the same time, it feels like they have been here for so much longer than the two months they have been home. Either way, I can't picture life without any of my sweet babies! :) They are what makes life worth living...all the bumps, stumbles, hugs, and kisses....and the unconditional love that only a child can give. 
I'm looking forward to seeing what the future brings all of us! 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The Twins Birth Story

Well, the twins have arrived!  They have been with us now for nine weeks...and time is flying by! Here is how they got here...I will post again with how things are going (or this would be WAY longer!! LOL).  :)

On Friday, June 7, I went into labor. I was 35 weeks on the dot. It was totally unexpected, and that evening my contractions were five minutes apart and lasting 40 seconds.  I was not supposed to have a natural birth (I had to have a C-section), so the doctor told us to go on in to L&D. 

We arrived at L&D and they hooked me up to the monitors (something that I was very familiar with, as this was my fourth or fifth time in L&D for preterm labor), and the first nurse came in to check me.  For some weird reason, she couldn't find my cervix to check it (like it could possibly be in another location...I was seriously concerned that she was considered an L&D nurse when she couldn't find something so basic) and had to go and get the charge nurse to check my progression.  I was 90% effaced and not dilated.  So what do they tell me?  Pack up and go home until I dilate. Excuse me?  I informed them that that would not be the exit that they would be using, and so what did it matter if I was dilated or not?  Still, they packed me up and shipped me out.  I went home and labored for the rest of the weekend, something that was utterly miserable. 

Monday rolled around, finally. My son's school was opening that day, and there was no way I was going to miss it. I went with him and took him to his new classroom, and after I saw that he was happily settled in his room with his friends and teacher, we went off to go and see my OB.  I was feeling horrible, not having slept for three days and completely at my wits end.  She went and checked me, too, and found that I was still only 90% effaced and not dilated, but she did notice that my little boy had shifted his head.  Instead of pressing down, he was now pressing out on my previous C-section scar.  Considering I had been contracting all weekend, she was worried now that I would rupture soon with everything thinning.  So off I went again back to L&D to have my babies.

Back in L&D, I was hooked back up to the monitors and given an IV with fluids to try to slow the contractions while the team for the birth was assembled.  I got in one last (in my opinion, horrible) picture before they were born:

At 5pm, I walked back to the freezing OR.  Two doctors, 12 nurses (six for each baby), and one anesthesiologist greeted me as I padded my way in in my bright yellow "fall risk" hospital socks.  The anesthesiologist prepped me and gave me my spinal, which was not a fun experience.  For some reason, as soon as the drugs hit my system, I had a massive panic attack.  I suddenly felt claustrophobic and was freaking out on the anesthesiologist, who was very calm and was able calm me down as well.  And once I was calm, the meds eased up and I felt TONS better.  It was the first time in MONTHS that I had no pain, no pressure, and it felt AMAZING!!  Suddenly, I wanted to sleep.  Why? Because I could.  And could do it comfortably.  I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that if I did sleep, I'd miss the birth of my babies--the last babies I would be having--and almost was ok with that. :) I was SO tired!! But I fought sleep and listened to everyone assemble and begin the surgery.  Then time sped up, and before I knew it, I heard my baby boy crying. :) They cleaned him off and wrapped him up, and brought him to my hubby.  Dan tried to show me my baby, but I couldn't see over the blankets.  Two minutes later, my baby girl came out, fighting the doctors the whole way.  I actually got to see her, and touch her little face.  Baby Elliott was 5lbs 6oz and 18" long, and baby Audrey was 5lbs 11oz and 18.75" long.  Both babies were big for being 35 week twins, something that I was incredibly thankful for.

Audrey on left, Elliott on right.

That would be the last time I saw them for five hours...

They finished the surgery (including my tubal), and wheeled me back to my room.  The boob-Nazi, I mean, lactation consultant, almost immediately came in and shoved a breast pump at me.  Now, I am all for breastfeeding (and do so now), but geez, give me a minute to recover!! Dan came back to tell me that the babies were in the NICU and things weren't looking too good.  So now I was freaked out, and I had a very pushy woman telling me I needed to strap on my pump and get going to try to get my milk to come in.  I got her out of my room, and then was able to find out what was going on with my twins. Elliott's lungs were retracting.  He was on oxygen, an IV, having his glucose monitored, had to have an NG tube, jaundiced, and needed to learn to hold his body temp.  Audrey had aspirated blood when she came out, and they were not sure if it was mine or hers, so she was being monitored as well.  It took five hours, but they decided that they needed a higher level NICU, and just before they were transferred I got to really see them for the first time.  But I didn't get to touch.  As scared as I was, I knew the hospital they were going to, and I would be transferred with them the next morning.

Tuesday morning at 10am, the ambulance came for me.  I finished up the paperwork on their names and all of my transfer paperwork, then was loaded up and shipped to the other hospital in the next city.  It was the same hospital my firstborn was sent to after he was born, and where he spent 9 days in their NICU.  I was shocked that they were in the same bay of the NICU that Zachary was in, and even more shocked that they were in the same slot that he had been in as well (mind you, this NICU is HUGE...the odds are just astounding that they would end up in that slot!)! It was very emotional for me.  I finally got to hold my baby girl, but only got to touch my baby boy (they didn't want me to take him out of the incubator).  I was happy anyway, since I had already missed being with them for the first 17 hours of their outside life.  I was also happy to be in the same hospital, and my room was at the end of the hall by the NICU--the closest room to the NICU that they had (I loved the admission nurse for that).  Tuesday night I was able to hold my baby boy for the first time, and that just made my day.  Life was going great!

I stayed in the hospital until Friday as a patient.  All day and night, I would spend as much time as I could in the NICU, only going to my room to eat the occasional meal, get my meds, pump, take a quick shower, or a quick nap.  I was walking as much as I could to help the recovery process, and it was painful.  But I needed to get better as fast as I could.  Friday night I was discharged, but since I lived over 25 miles from the hospital and had my babies in the NICU, I was able to get a room downstairs in the Ronald McDonald Charity Family Rooms.  It was a huge lifesaver!!  I was able to stay close to my babies, and it was a room that was free of charge.  I am forever thankful to them and my caseworker that allowed for me to stay.  :)  I stayed until my baby girl was discharged the following Wednesday (on day 9), and then she and I went home.  We drove to the hospital daily to be with our baby boy, each taking turns watching Audrey while the other got a few hours with Elliott.  Despite the doctor's estimate that he would be there until my original due date (July 12, making him be there almost 5 weeks), our little superman was out on day 14! 

Elliott in the NICU

Audrey in the NICU

Elliott and Audrey in the NICU

Audrey and Elliott coming home <3
Now our family is happy, healthy, and complete....and all under one roof!!

The proud big brother!


Monday, April 8, 2013

It's been a long time...

I know it's been a long time since I posted.  Like, since I announced that I was having twins.  Things have been a tad busy since then, and everything else has kinda fallen off my radar.  So I will update as best as I can, without being long winded...

Well, I am officially 26 weeks.  :)  Also the size of a barn with my own gravatational pull!  The twins are doing wonderfully, and we now know that we are having a boy and a girl.  :D We are super thrilled that we are having one of each, and can't wait to meet them!  I especially can't wait for them to get here, as this pregnancy has been very difficult for me.   Ever since my 12 week appointment, I have been seeing both my regular OB and high risk OB every two weeks, a cardiologist every four weeks (but now I don't have to see the cardiologist anymore), and my regular GP doctor whenever I have an illness unrelated to the pregnancy. They are making sure that the surgeries haven't affected how well my cervix is holding up, that my heart is holding up for the three of us, checking me to with tests for preterm labor, and also watching the growth of the twins.  While sometimes it feels like I am always in a doctor's office, it's actually nice to be so closely monitored and lucky that I get to see my babies on the ultrasound so often.  :) 

Hubby's trip to China went great, and he had a wonderful time.  I, however, had a rough go of things, as morning sickness did not take a break while he was gone.  Trying to care for a super active toddler and being sick--it was a horrible combination.  Not to mention it was during the holiday season, when I was also trying to get up the decorations and plan for Christmas happening at my house.  Thankfully he got to come home a few days early, and I have never been happier to see someone in my life!  It made for a great Christmas.

The new year came and went, with me being super tired, and the doctors saying that Z needed to start going to school more often since I couldn't lift or chase after him like I used to.  I have been closely monitored by four doctors with this pregnancy; there is concern since I have had two surgeries for cervical cancer in the last two years.  I have been "resting" for a huge chunk of the pregnancy, and I have been quite surprised just how exhausting that can be!  Still, I haven't been officially put on bedrest, so I am happy with the current arrangement.  :)  I was not too happy with having to put munchkin in school five days a week (but only for half-days, I couldn't quite let go of the afternoons with him--I miss him too much!!).  He, however, is doing just fine with it, as he gets to go and play with his friends and run around and be crazy.  :) 
In February, munchkin turned the big 2! I had wanted to throw him a big party like I did last year, but I was way too tired and couldn't do something that I knew would stress me beyond all means.  This was also the case for hubby's 40th birthday, which fell at the end of February (but I'll get to that).  So for little one's big birthday bash, the grandparents, us, and Z all loaded up into our new minivan (now a necessity, seeing as we will have three kiddos in carseats under the age of 3) and drove north to a zoo that had been recommended by friends.  We had a great time--I rode in a wheelchair and Z in his stroller, and the family just wandered around looking at the different animals.  :)  Z loved it, as he loves naming the different animals and the sounds they make.  After the zoo we went to Outback Steakhouse (they have a great GF menu), and the birthday boy got his own brownie sundae.  :)
Hubby's birthday was even more low-key, as just the two of us went to a little bed and breakfast we went to for my birthday last year.  We had planned to go to Fredericksburg and wander around the shops, but my wandering days were over by then.  To top it off, both of us had sinus infections and colds, so our "big night away" consisted of us lying in bed with a box of Kleenex between us, watching movies and playing video games.  Yep, we were living it up!! It was nice to have a night away, but we were almost too miserable to enjoy it.
At my 21 week mark, I decided I wanted to have some maternity pictures taken, just in case I was unable to later in the pregnancy. Two sisters in my local mommy group had just decided to start a photography business, and I decided to give them a try.  I had wanted to do the pictures at the 20 week mark, but we had scheduling know how things go.  But I was pleased with how the pictures turned out, even though Z was doing his best not to cooperate!

Life otherwise has been relatively...normal-ish.  I continue to try to cook and do as much as I can, but it's getting harder and harder.  I was in the hospital for false labor two weeks ago, a scare that I don't want to repeat.  For that I was given muscle relaxers, and those tend to make me even more tired than I already am! And while I am extremely grateful to be able to have these two sweet (extremely strong) babies, I am more than ready to be done. Only 8-12 weeks left to go, and I am counting down!  I am hoping that I will be more vigilant about writing here, but I can't make any guarantees.  Just not as long between posts, I promise!  For now...I'm off to take a nap before munchkin comes home.  :)  Until the next time...

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

First Ultrasound...OH WOW

So my big news got bigger last week...along with my waistline! Plus hubby got to stay until this Friday, so we've been able to celebrate the news with a short family trip out of town to visit the zoo.  Here's a glimpse of what is to come...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Crossing the Sea

Hubby has been offered a wonderful opportunity, and I am so excited for him--while a bit nervous for me and little guy.  His company asked him if he would like to interview for a temporary position overseas in China for 4-6 weeks.  After some discussion, we decided that he should apply for the position, and that Z and I would stay behind.  The thought of trying to travel on a plane with a wound-up 21 month old was enough to make me shudder, but two other things also stood out as reasons against--first, not knowing the language to try to explain that I can't have gluten and what foods might contain it (or reading something to check ingredients).  Second, my pregnancy.  When he applied, we were still waiting to see if I was pregnant or not, but on the chance that I was (and I was pretty sure of it then), my reasoning stood.  I'm terrified at the thought of being away from my doctor, not having one over there that I trust, and morning sickness in an unfamiliar place...just not happening.  So we discussed and he applied, and sure enough, they accepted him--only a few days after we found out we were expecting. :)

Since his acceptance, it seems like many things are caught up in a whirlwind.  Now he had to rush to get his passport expidited, and also go to the Chinese consulate for a work visa.  Why?  From the time that they said yes, he had about a week to prepare for this trip (he leaves this Friday in the afternoon, and will be returning December 15).  I had no idea how complicated things are!  He has had to travel to Houston twice already, and will be going again on Thursday.  The first time was to get his passport (he had to prove he needed it quickly to not have to wait 90 days), the second time to apply for his visa (we went with him that time--spent the night so he could get to the consulate as early as possible), and returns Thursday to pick up his visa.  Friday afternoon he is heading out...and between now and then, there is packing, getting organized, a trip to the regular doctor for any prescriptions...and he will be missing the first ultrasound Thursday morning while picking up his visa.  :(  I'm sad about that since the OB scheduled it before he left so he would get to hear the heartbeat, but the stars are just not lining up for that to happen.  At least he will get to see the ultrasound pictures before he leaves!

I'm really not too worried about myself with D leaving for a month.  However, Z is used to having both me and his dad around pretty much 24/7, seeing as D works from home 95% of the time.  The first time D went to Houston, Z yelled up the stairs almost all day trying to get his dad to "come down."  We have set up Skype accounts for both of us, D put on international calling, and we are going to set up a schedule so Z can talk to him in the evenings.  Hopefully this will make things a little easier. :)

All in all, I am excited for hubby's great opportunity, and I know everything will trun out great!  It'll be tough, but I am fortunate to have a lot of family close by (my parents and in-laws are in a three mile radius from my house!).  And when he gets home, he starts his holiday vacation--so we will make up for lost time!  :)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Egg-citing News From the Coop!

Back at the end of April, I decided that I wanted chicks for my Mother's Day present--a step towards making my own food (or growing it, or caring for it, etc).  Since they were only "day old chicks" I knew that I was going to have a decent waiting period before I would be getting any of my own eggs.  According to all the books, forums, boards, Facebook pages, and talking to others, I found out that the average wait was about 5 months before the hens would be old enough to lay.  I've been egg-stra patient, counting down the days to when the girls would be ready.  Time passed, and when they were supposed to start laying eggs came and went.  I was beginning to worry that they would never start, that maybe I had done something wrong or fed the wrong food...surely it was my fault that nature wasn't taking it's proper course. 

Yesterday I was chatting with my dad over text about my hubby getting sent to China next week (more on that later), when he mentioned the hens and asked if they were laying yet.  I told him no, they hadn't started, and I was getting a little frustrated with it all.  But on a whim I went out to the coop and decided to check the nesting boxes.  Lo and behold....

And about an hour later, I got one more, too!!  Five awesome eggs, I was so egg-cited!!  Not all of my girls are old enough, only four of the eight.  So soon there will be more, but for now, I am happy!!

Now I need to start searching my favorite website, Pinterest, for some egg-cellent recipes!  :)  Feel free to share your favorites!

Monday, November 5, 2012

New Beginnings

(I wrote this in the wee hours of November 2, 2012....but had to wait a little bit to post it...)

It's a new day...well, it's 1am, so technically it's a new day.  And I can't sleep.  Two reasons, both equally weighing on me.

The first reason is of all the things that going gluten free did not get rid of, it was my RLS--restless leg syndrome.  This began fairly early pregnancy with Z back in 2010, and has never gone away.  It is very annoying.  Normally I would take my RLS meds and be done with it, chalking it up to forgetting to take it.  But I can't do that.  Why?  For reason number two why I am awake.

Reason number two that I am unable to sleep is that I am excited...SO VERY excited!!  Yesterday (the 1st) was my mom's 60th birthday.  Since we had already had the party, there was no celebration for her, but unintentionally there ended up being a quiet celebration.  It was supposed to be a secret, but when there is big news to be shared and celebrated, it is SO HARD to keep it in.  Especially between mothers and daughters.  And I want to yell it from the rooftops, and dance with joy!! 

Why??  Because.....

Coming soon....Summer 2013!!  :-D