Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Pizza Chains Jumping on the Gluten Free Train!

In the news the past few days have been some pretty big announcements in the world of gluten-free foods.  I know that when I had to go GF, one of the things that I missed the most was being able to go to my computer, log on, and order a pizza for delivery. 

Awhile back, Dominoes started a program on their Facebook page that opened up an area for consumers to send them feedback on products that they would like to see offered by this monster pizza chain.  I immediately took that opportunity to chime in that I would like to see a gluten-free pizza option--and apparently I wasn't the only one!  As of yesterday, they are now offering GF pizza....BUT with a huge disclaimer.  Here's the video they released on You Tube:

Basically, the crust is gluten free until they start working with it.  They aren't going to take any extra precautions on preventing cross-contamination, which means for those of us with gluten intolerance or Celiacs, this is still not a viable menu option.  A step in the right direction, tho!!

Another pizza chain announced that they will be doing a test market in Minnesota came forward today.  Chuck E Cheese will have a different approach, however--they are going to make sure that the pizza is not cross-contaminated!  Plus, they will also be offering a GF dessert.  :)  Wonderful!!  I just hope that they expand out to other areas (mine!!) soon!! Here's some more info:


Here's to hoping more will join up and hop on the GF train!!  (and preferably without the cross-contamination!!)

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