Friday, October 26, 2012

Better Than....Bread!!

It's not often that you run into a gluten free bread that TASTES like bread, not like crumbled mess of rice or flour of choice.  It's not an easy process to mimic the elasticity of gluten in a "normal" loaf of bread made with the "traditional" wheat.  It is something that I didn't realize that I would miss when I had to go gluten free; I assumed that there were products out there that would suit my needs and help me life the life I was used to living.  It never occurred to me just HOW different my food was going to be.

I managed to create my own loaf in my breadmaker at home, but it's not perfect.  Close, and it's less expensive that those in the stores...but still not quite perfect.  Then, back in early September, we attended the Gluten Free Allergen Free Expo in Dallas, TX.  I still smile thinking about that time spent in that huge ballroom, wandering booth to booth with no worries that I was going to get sick from eating something that was offered to me.  One booth in particular has stuck in my memory, as I was given a sample of the MOST AMAZING bread I have eaten.  Even hubby said that the bread was wonderful, and he's not GF. 

The booth was for a small company called Local Oven.  What is more astounding than the absolutely heavenly flavor of their breads is that they have so many different varieties of bread products--such as baguettes, dinner rolls, hot dog buns, hamburger buns, biscotti, pita pockets and bread brumbs.  Plus they are hinting at a new tortilla that they are going to be introducing that is pliable and can hold up to a wrap!! What I was so excited to see this morning was the "leak" on their Facebook page that they will be entering the grocery scene soon in the freezer section! :-) I can't wait to see what they will be putting in the stores...yum!

So if you are missing bread, I do suggest that you give them a try.  I'm not promoting them because I am paid or asked to...I am doing it because I truly believe in their product and I want everyone to try them!!  You won't regret it--and you will be supporting a small busines, too!!  Sign up for their newsletter, "like" them on Facebook, and enjoy an absolutely heavenly taste of bread.  :)

Happy eating!

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