Monday, March 12, 2012

Monday Madness!!

I don't know about the rest of the world, but Daylight Savings Time has really screwed up all things sleep in this house.  The teething troubles continue, and are just compounding the loss of an hour.  Little guy doesn't realize that time has changed, and wants to stay on his normal nap schedule, which is now not possible.  So for the last two days he has not had his afternoon nap because he feels the time that I want him to go down is too early, and the time that he wants to go down is too late.  *sigh* At night he doesn't want to be by himself anymore, and can't seem to find a comfy spot--meaning hubby is up with him most of the night.  This is all adding up to a very tired bunch of people--and me not wanting to do any training for the 5k hubby and I are doing in two weeks.

Otherwise, I am trying to keep up with what I have on my plate.  I am trying to plan a super secret date for hubby and I, and a new format for this blog.  Each day will have a certain topic, and will follow that every week.  At least, that is the plan.  I tend to not stick to plans all the time, so just fair warning!

But for now, I need to get back to an unhappy toddler that is trying to take over my computer...

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