Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Weekend Recap

It has been a busy few days!  Fun, exhausting, and not so great at times, too.  The Spunky Shaylah 5K Run and 1K Inspiration Walk, a girls night out, and then little guy came down with tummy troubles.  But Friday, I did get to rest (thankfully, since Saturday morning was an early morning and came quickly!).

I was really nervous about Saturday--I have never participated in a 5K, and I had the jitters about going out that night, too.  Large crowds of people that I don't know tend to put me on edge.  But I was ready, for both the challenge of the race and for the night out with a close friend I hadn't seen in quite some time! Normally our family rolls out of bed when Z is ready, and that is usually about 7:30-8am.  However, we needed to be at the race before 8am when the 1K Inspiration Walk began to get our shirts and numbers. So we were up at 6am, not too happy about it, but glad that the weather was in the mid 60s and perfect for our little run.  We checked in, got our shirts and numbers, and went to watch the kids run in the "inspiration walk."

It was great.  :) I had a wonderful time, the route was very pretty--TONS of bluebonnets!!--and didn't have to be on a lot of streets. 

Since we are both fairly new to this 5K thing (not to mention, starting to exercise regularly), we weren't "competing" with other people.  We just wanted to join in the cause, get some good exercise, and have a nice time.  There were other people walking with strollers, lots of kids participating, so we didn't come in last.  :)  That, to me, was a win! Bonus--my legs, shins, and feet felt fine...no cramps or pain!!

Mile 3!

I was so proud of myself for finishing, I treated myself to a pair of boots I saw on clearance at Kohls (not to mention, I got an additional 30% off with my coupon) for my Girls Night Out.  It was also a ton of fun--I even stayed til closing!  I had a blast hanging with my dear friend, and also getting to do some country dancing with some of my old dance partners from my Dallas days.  :)  I had been worried that I wouldn't be able to enjoy any adult beverages, as I used to only drink ones that did have malt in in.  But I did find that cranberry juice and vodka--not Grey Goose, as that does have gluten in it--was a tasty alternative.  Yay!!  I admit--I needed the night out.  I was nervous, but turns out I can do fine on my own.  Next time, I will be less scared.  :)  I say that now, at least!  A huge thanks to my wonderful friend Maria for convincing me it was time!

Sunday was a day of resting.  It was another beautiful day, and we didn't want to stay cooped up inside, so we packed up after Z's afternoon nap and went to the park.  There were a lot of families and children there, and Z really didn't know what to do.  It is really a playground for older kiddos, but we thought that we would try the swings--and little guy REALLY didn't like that.  So we finally settled on letting him play in the grassy field by the park.  He loves to pick the grass and throw it--and then go chase Daddy around.  I love those sweet baby laughs...they really warm my heart and make me smile!

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